Newsletter Editor: Use & Edit Layouts Element in Your Email (formerly "Combobox")

By inserting elements in your newsletter you can quickly and easily fill and design your email with your content. This includes, for example, images or text elements. 

Our Newsletter Editor offers various standard elements you can use to fill your email with individual content. One standard element is the [Layouts] element.

This helpcenter post tells you all about this element, how to insert it in your newsletter and where to get further help. 

What is the Layouts Element?

The [Layouts] element is more than just adding images and text to your newsletter. 

As the name already suggests, you can edit the layout of your element at any time. You only need two clicks to change your layout from image left, text right to two images next to each other with two text fields below. 

Inserting the Layouts Element in Your Newsletter

Start by logging into your CleverReach Account or creating a new account. 

Click on [Emails] and open your email newsletter or create a new one in our Newsletter Editor. 

After having defined all the settings for sending out your newsletter, you'll end up in our editor. 

There are two tabs on the right - [Elements] and [Design].

Scroll down to the [Standard Elements]. One of the standard elements is the [Layouts Element]:


You can either:

  • click on the Layouts element, navigate to the spot in your newsletter where you want to place it and click again 
  • or: click on the element and drag and drop it into your newsletter

Congratulations! You have inserted your element in your newsletter.

You can now see the layout options for this element on the right: 

  • Image left, text right
  • Text right, image left
  • Two images next to each other, two text fields below 
  • Two images next to each other 
  • Two texts next to each other 
  • Three images next to each other, three texts below 


The good thing about this element is that you can change its layout anytime you like. 

Example: You create your newsletter and have inserted the layout element text left, image right. Now you feel that you want it the other way around. No problem!

When moving the mouse over your element, an orange frame appears. 


You can see a small „Image – Text“ icon in the top left corner of the frame. When clicking on it, the layout options for this element re-appear and you can change the layout of your element by simply clicking on your preferred design: 


Done! You have successfully changed your layout. :-)

Please note: The texts/images/links you have placed in your element are automatically applied when changing the layout, so you don't have to insert them once again. 

The [Layouts] element also allows you to insert dynamic content and RSS feeds in your newsletter. For more details, check out this helpcenter post.

Help & Support

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our service team at any time.