Dynamic content in the newsletter: inspire your recipients with RSS feeds and elements!
In our newsletter editor, you can easily insert and send RSS feeds and dynamic elements in your newsletter. This allows you to regularly inform your recipients about your latest offers and news, for example.
What is an RSS feed?
The abbreviation RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication - which means "really simple distribution".
An RSS feed is a way for users to keep up to date with content from websites. It is like a subscription service for news, blog posts or other frequently updated content.
Insert layout element
Log in with your CleverReach account and click on E-Mails in the menu on the left.
Open a mailing in which you would like to insert a dynamic element. On the right you will find the Elements tab and below it the Layouts element.
The layout element offers various options for adding content to your newsletter. You can use the element to insert text and images next to each other in your newsletter:
Image and text
Two images Two texts Two pictures and two texts or Three texts and three pictures -
To insert the element into your newsletter, click on the layouts element and select your desired layout:
- Either hold down the mouse button and drag the element to the desired position in your newsletter
- or click on the element, go to the desired position in your newsletter, and click again.
Note: You can change the layout at any time by moving the mouse over the element and clicking on the orange layout symbol at the top left.
Insert dynamic element (RSS feed)
Click on the blue Insert dynamic content button at the bottom right.
A pop-up window will open in which you can insert your RSS link:
- Enter your RSS link (https://...index.rss) and click on Search.
- Select an item and click OK. The desired content is displayed in the element and thus in your newsletter:
You can now continue to customize your newsletter. By clicking on the orange Next button in the top right-hand corner, you can access the campaign checklist and send your newsletter.
Help & Support
If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact our Service Team.