Wordpress - Inserting forms as popups with the PopUp Maker

You use WordPress and would like to insert a CleverReach form as a popup? There is a free plugin that makes this possible - Popup Maker.

Since our WordPress plugin is not directly integrated into the plugin from Popup Maker, you currently have the option to insert and use the CleverReach form short code within popup forms.

We’ll explain how to integrate a CleverReach form into Popup Maker in the next steps:

1st step: In the first step install both - the Popup Maker plugin and the CleverReach WordPress plugin

2nd step: Connect the CleverReach plugin to your CleverReach account or create a new CleverReach account during the installation process. In the next step, start the first synchronization.

3rd step: On your CleverReach plugin dashboard in WordPress you will see the currently available forms for your WordPress recipient list. Copy the short code from the form you want to display in a popup.


4th step: Create a new popup with Popup Maker.


5th step: Add a title to the popup and paste the CleverReach form short code in the content section. You can also add any additional text, images, or some other content in addition to the CleverReach form short code.


6th step: Below the content section area, choose a trigger that will open the popup on a page. These can either be triggers reacting to a click, or triggers that are automatically cause the form to pop up after a certain amount of time has passed. There is also an option to limit the popup to only certain pages on the WordPress site.


7th step: Once that is done, publish the popup and go to a page on the site. The popup appears with your CleverReach form after a trigger condition has been met.


Help & Support

You can find a lot of help and info on the Popup Maker support page. If you have any further questions or need help, please feel free to contact our service team at any time.