Webhook subscription results into insufficiant scope

Rozbeh Sharahi

When trying to register a web hook via REST API (POST, https://rest.cleverreach.com/hooks/eventhook) the oauth token is considered to not have sufficient scope access. I receive a "403 scope mismatch"-Response.

The documentation also says to take care of having the right scopes on the token. However, there is no option in cleverreach-customer-area to configure a scope as "oa_webhook". My API-Token has following scopes: "oa_basic oa_receivers oa_reports oa_forms oa_mailings oa_ssl oa_hook".

I could not find any kind of documentation neither here, nor on google. 

Am I missing something?



2 commenti

  • Comment author
    Dennis Welz

    Heya Sharahi,

    The Scope for Webhooks needs to be activated by CleverReach-Support.
    Please reach out via Ticket for us to grant you access - thanks!


  • Comment author
    Rozbeh Sharahi

    I did that. Thanks for the info.


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