Shopware 5 Plugin - Inserting Double Opt-in Signup Forms & using DOI

We have developed a plugin that allows you to establish a connection quickly and easily between your Shopware shop and our email marketing tool. Our plugin is not only easy to use but also offers lots of valuable features.

Among other things, you can use our Double Opt-In feature and insert Double Opt-In signup forms in your Shopware shop. This allows you to collect new email subscribers for your email marketing in a GDPR-compliant way. This helpcenter post is all about how Double-Opt-in works in our plugin, which errors may occur during the activation and where to get further Help & Support.

To use the feature you need to install our plugin for Shopware 5. For more details on how to download & install the plugin browse this helpcenter post. 

During the installation process you select whether you want to create a new recipient list or use an existing one for the connection. Depending on what you choose, the following steps are slightly different:

  1. You want to create a new recipient list during the installation process? Our plugin automatically creates a Double Opt-In signup form for your recipient list in the background. The form has the same name as your new recipient list. After the installation is completed you can find it in your CleverReach account and on your plugin dashboard.
  2. You have not yet created a form in CleverReach for your selected recipient list? No problem! Our plugin automatically creates a Double Opt-In signup form for your selected recipient list. It has the same name as your recipient list.
  3. You already have created a form in CleverReach for your selected recipient list? You can find the Double-Opt-in signup form in your Shopware 5 plugin dashboard after the installation process and insert it in your shop.

Insert a form by copying form snippet and manually inserting it in your page code.


Inserting Double-Opt-in Signup Forms in Shopware

Start by opening the CleverReach plugin dashboard in Shopware and navigate to [Forms].

There are two ways of selecting your Double-Opt-in signup form in Shopware 5:

1st option: Open the Shopware plugin and navigate to the plugin page, go to the [Forms] tab and choose the form you wish to insert in the left panel.


2nd option: Click on the CleverReach icon on the shop page in Shopware.


In the right text area, you will see a HTML code snippet that should be inserted into the page you wish to insert your form. Click on the [Copy] button and copy the code.


In the next step, go to the shop pages and open up the page you want to insert your CleverReach® form into for editing.


You will see a standard text editor, which you can edit normally. It is also possible to edit the code itself and add custom HTML elements to it.

In the editor, click on the button with tags (“<>”) to open the page code.


You can now see the HTML code of all elements within this page. Now all you have to do is paste the section you copied before at the desired position within the code and update the changes. For example, if you want the registration form to appear at the bottom of the page, you must paste the code below.


After saving the shop page you can go back to your Shopware page. Now you will see the CleverReach® form on your page.


The form is already inserted and you can collect new GDPR compliant newsletter subscriptions.

Insert more forms in Shopware

You can create additional forms in CleverReach and add them to your Shopware pages, so that you can attract new newsletter subscribers on all your shop pages.

In CleverReach, you can initially copy your existing Shopware form. Open the form overview via the menu item [Forms] in our tool. In the form overview, you can copy the form via the selection menu on the right.

As a second option, you can create a new form in the menu item [Forms] by clicking the button in the upper right corner. It is important that you also link the new form to your Shopware recipient list, so that your new newsletter recipients are added directly to your Shopware list. After you have created the form, you can add it to your Shopware page as described above

Using the CleverReach® Double Opt-in Feature

With our CleverReach double opt-in function, the recipient can confirm the subscription to the newsletter by email. Without the confirmation for the newsletter delivery, the recipient is synchronized as inactive in your CleverReach recipient list and cannot be contacted by newsletter.

With this function, a CleverReach double opt-in email is sent instead of the Shopware double opt-in email.

The CleverReach double opt-in email is sent in the same cases in which the "normal" Shopware double opt-in email would be sent.

Activating the Double Opt-In Function in the Plugin

Step 1: In the first step, click on [Marketing - CleverReach] in your Shopware account and then on the [Forms] tab.


Step 2: Click on the button [Activate].


Step 3: A pop-up window appears informing you that the CleverReachⓇ double opt-in delivery overrides the Shopware double opt-in delivery. If you wish to continue, click the [Confirm] button:


Step 4: After activation, your form overview in the CleverReach Plugin Dashboard will look like this:


Possible errors with Double-Opt-In activation

There are two cases in which an error can occur

Case 1: The double opt-in cannot be activated because it is not activated in your shop.

In order to activate and use our CleverReach Double-Opt-In function, it is necessary to activate the function in the shop. To do this, go to [Configuration -> Basic settings] in your Shopware account:


Click on the button [Privacy] under [Further settings].


Change the Double Opt-In setting for the newsletter subscription to [Yes]. Now click on the [Save] button.


In the next step, delete the shop cache by clicking on [Configuration -> Cache/Performance].


Select the [Cache] tab.


Click on the button [Select all] and in the next step, click on the [Clear] button.


When the deletion of the cache is complete, refresh the Shopware page and open the plugin. Now you can activate the double opt-in function in the plugin.

Case 2: You are getting the message: "The double opt-in function cannot be activated because your CleverReachⓇ account has not yet been verified. Please contact our support".

The error message means that you have not yet entered all the account details in your CleverReach account. You can add or update the data in your CleverReach account under [My Account - Settings - Your Data].

After you have entered all details, refresh the Shopware page and open the plugin. The error message should no longer appear. If you still experience problems, please contact our service team. Many thanks in advance.

Help & Support

If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact our service team at any time.